Welcome to BowlSK, the most complete bowling score keeper/stat tracker available. You have to sign in to start adding your arsenal, leagues, local bowling centers, and scores. Or, if you'd like, you can browse bowlers' public profiles and games.
Also, be sure to check out our Facebook page.
Site update - 2011/09/06
The site has just been updated to support a wider range of mobile devices. Everything should now flow seamlessly between smartphones, computer, and even tablets. Please use the feedback link if you have any suggestions or problems!Breakpoints are in! - 2009/09/10
The updates are finished. Next game you add, you'll see a couple of new checkboxes - you can now decide whether or not you want to track "actual" boards hit, breakpoints, both, or neither. You can also set defaults for your future games by editing your profile. Use the Feedback link in the menu if you have any ideas or problems related to the new feature, and thanks again for using BowlSK!Update Coming... - 2009/09/10
I'll be updating the site momentarily with a long-awaited (by some) feature. If you experience any problems, please hit the Feedback page to let me know right away so I can take care of it. Thanks, and I'll let you know when it's all ready to go ;)A Quick Intermediate Mode Update... - 2009/06/25
Just a quick note, a few of you had reported problems with the statistics in Intermediate mode not generating correctly. Thanks for the error reports! Everything should be in working order now - when you save a new game in Intermediate mode, your stats for that series should update right away.4 Months Already? - 2009/02/25
4 months since the last news post... it seems more like 4 days. Several small improvements has been made to site in that time, but this one is big enough that it deserved a fresh post!
Drumroll please...
Introducing... Intermediate entry mode!
Next time you add a game, you'll see a new item between your old favorites, Simple and Advanced. It's still officially beta, but it is pretty solid, and I couldn't wait to get it into your hands. Please let me know if you have any problems with it, or if it's just what the doctor ordered - either way, it's your feedback that drives the site! (P.S. if the game stretches way across the screen, try pressing Ctrl+F5 to completely reload the page.)
- Week 27
186 for 2 games
by warneikap - 27
494 for 3 games
by hangoutalba - 22
520 for 3 games
by hangoutalba - Week 25
489 for 3 games
by warneikap - Week 27
573 for 3 games
by srhowser - 26
567 for 3 games
by hangoutalba - Week 26
508 for 3 games
by warneikap - 26
583 for 3 games
by hangoutalba - 21
525 for 3 games
by hangoutalba - Week 24
534 for 3 games
by warneikap
by Rich Vogel
by smasher0901
by Rich Vogel
by Rich Vogel
by warneikap
by Rich Vogel
by Rich G
by Robert Berry Sr.
by Robert Berry Sr.
by Robert Berry Sr.